The table component allows you to easily output data in a clear and efficient way.
Easily manage information on your pages and reduce page complexity ten-fold!
Show data in hierachial way to ensure your customers see how your data points relate to each other.
include 'conspirecomponents/conspire.tree.php';
$table = new conspire_tree();
$table->setTitle('Tree Demo');
$table->addBranch('PNode1', 'Parent 1');
$table->addBranch('CNode1', 'Child 1', 'PNode1');
$table->addBranch('SNode1', 'Sub Child 1', 'CNode1');
$table->addBranch('SNode2', 'Sub Child 2', 'CNode1');
$table->addBranch('CNode2', 'Child 2', 'PNode1');
$table->addBranch('PNode2', 'Parent 2');
$table->addBranch('CNode3', 'Child 3', 'PNode2');
Easily process user submitted data and de-stress management of form results and data validation.
include 'conspirecomponents/conspire.form.php';
$table = new conspire_form();
$table->addField('Text', 'Subject');
$table->addField('Text', 'Message');
$table->addField('Number', 'Numerical Characters Only');